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January 5, 2008

What You'll Get Here

This is my blog and I am here to tell you that I am a Happy housewife and stay at home mom. I will shout it from the rooftops. This is something that I am veer proud of. I am not ashamed to say that I stay home with my kids and that I take care of my husband. My family is my life. I am going back to school on-line, but I will not go back to work until my children have grown up. I believe a women should have a career and be educated, but once a family hits the picture it is the womens career to be the “Manager of their home”. It does not matter what men say about them being the head of the house it is really the wife. Just like a wise women once said, “The man may be the head of the house, but the women is the neck and can turn the head in which ever direction it pleases.”

I believe in old time America, where the women were cooking delicious meals and taking care of the kids, all the while looking impeccable. They wanted to keep their man happy, and no one was more qualified to take care of the kids. I do not feel that someone with a degree in early childhood, is more qualified to take care of my children than me. No Way!

I do not understand why fems hate men so much, or why they feel that being a housewife is not goof enough for them. There is no job more important. So on this blog you will find things that come from a housewives mind and if you are a feminist you will most likely not find anything here for you.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you're off to a good start with your blog. Good luck! :-D